India's Strong Rebuttal at UNGA Over Kashmir Issue

India’s Strong Rebuttal at UNGA Over Kashmir Issue

At the UNGA, India criticized Pakistan’s constant focus on Kashmir, urging action for South Asian peace, while Pakistan reiterated its stance on the region’s significance.

In a heated exchange at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), India lambasted Pakistan for its constant portrayal of the Kashmir issue.

The Indian diplomat emphasized, “Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India” and expressed disappointment over Pakistan’s unwavering attempts to shift the focus towards it at the international forum.

Pakistan’s “Malicious Propaganda”

Accusing its neighbor of misusing the esteemed global platform, India alleged that Pakistan uses the UNGA for “baseless and malicious propaganda” against it. 

This is seen as an attempt to shift global attention away from Pakistan’s inadequate human rights practices, especially concerning its treatment of minorities and women.

India’s Call for Peace

In light of the ongoing tensions, India spelled out a three-fold action plan for Pakistan to ensure tranquillity in South Asia:

  • End cross-border terrorism: A long-standing issue that has strained bilateral ties.
  • Vacate occupied Indian territories: A clear reference to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) territories.
  • Halt human rights violations: Highlighting the pressing concerns about the treatment of minorities in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Unwavering Stance

In response, Pakistan’s caretaker prime minister, Anwar ul Haq Kakar, re-emphasized Kashmir’s centrality in the India-Pakistan discourse. 

He implored the UN Security Council to implement its standing resolutions on Kashmir, suggesting that this was the path to long-lasting peace between the two nations.

A Pattern of Diverted Agendas

The recent confrontation was not an isolated incident. 

Regardless of the UNGA’s agenda, Pakistan’s propensity to redirect global attention towards Kashmir has been a recurring theme. 

A notable instance from the recent past is from December 2022. 

During a UNGA session dedicated to discussing women, peace, and security, Pakistan’s then-foreign minister shifted the spotlight to the Kashmir issue. 

India swiftly retaliated, drawing attention to Pakistan’s blemished history, most notably its sheltering of Osama bin Laden.

The persistent back-and-forth between the two nations underscores their deep-rooted challenges and the importance of continuous diplomatic efforts to achieve sustainable peace in the region.

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