Indian Fashion Influencer Aakanksha Monga Faces Criticism for Unrealistic Travel Tips for the Broke

Indian Fashion Influencer Aakanksha Monga Faces Criticism for Unrealistic Travel Tips for the Broke

An Indian fashion influencer, Aakanksha Monga, recently shared a thread on Twitter with tips on how to travel while being “broke.” 

However, her advice has been criticized by netizens, who say it is unrealistic and unhelpful.

Aakanksha Monga

Aakanksha Monga
Aakanksha Monga

In her thread, Aakanksha Monga shared several tips, including:

  • Using credit card points to book flights
  • Couchsurfing or staying in hostels
  • Cooking your meals
  • Visiting free attractions
  • Taking public transportation

However, many netizens have pointed out that these tips are only feasible for some. 

For example, only some have credit cards or can earn points, and not everyone is comfortable staying in shared accommodations. 

Additionally, some of the free attractions Aakanksha Monga mentioned, such as museums, can still be expensive, especially if you factor in the cost of transportation and food.

Overall, Aakanksha Monga’s advice has been met with mixed reactions.

Some people have found it helpful, while others have found it unrealistic and unhelpful. 

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to traveling while being “broke.” 

What works for one person may only work for one person. 

The best way to determine what works for you is to research and plan.

Here are some additional tips for traveling while being “broke”:

  • Set a budget and stick to it.
  • Be flexible with your travel plans.
  • Be willing to compromise.
  • Do your research and plan.
  • Take advantage of free or low-cost activities.
  • Be creative and resourceful.

With a little planning and effort, it is possible to travel on a budget. 

However, it is important to be realistic about your expectations and to be willing to make some sacrifices.

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